The law is gray and convoluted. When injured in an accident, the victim be left with more questions than answers. Having a personal injury lawyer in your corner will clarify the law and level the playing field against insurance companies and other responsible parties. They can also gather all the evidence required to win your case in court. Personal injuries can cause you immense physical pain and emotional trauma. The pain and suffering endured because of your injury may prevent you from bringing objectivity to your case. Having someone trained and experienced to navigate the rocky water on issues of liability and obtaining necessary medical care provides stability and guidance on the road to recovery.

Most personal injury lawyers are only interested in the facts of your case. At The Injury Law Firm, we want to build long term relationships with our clients by getting to know the person before they were injured, what happened in the accident, and how they have been affected because of its occurrence. The Injury Law Firm will work with experts in their field and medical professionals to help establish who is at fault and provide all the required medical care and attention to get the injured victim back on their feet. More than just a lawyer…we treat our clients like family.

What you do and say after an injury accident can determine the success of your claim and the compensation the insurance company will pay. Information is powerful and can later be used as evidence if you need to prove your case. Gather all the information of the parties involved to make an accurate record. Take photographs and/or videos to preserve the scene of where it occurred. Never throw away anything as it may become important later. Seek medical attention immediately as some injuries are not obvious. Report the accident so there is a record of what transpired and obtain any witness information that can help flush out some facts. Most important, contact a lawyer soon so don’t do this alone.

We want to give our clients peace of mind and help them get better. Therefore, we offer free consultations to our clients and potential clients. If we agree to accept your case, we will advance all expenses necessary to litigate the case. Also, as partners with The Injury Law Firm, we only win if our clients win. We guarantee you won’t have to pay any attorney’s fees or costs if your case is unsuccessful.

The time that a legal proceeding can take varies greatly from case to case due to the unique facts of each case. Many factors are not within our hands and often lay within the scope of the court’s schedule. Multiple developments during a proceeding can contribute to speeding up or delaying a conclusion for a case. We ensure that all deadlines are met on our part to ensure as speedy a process on your behalf as possible.

Easily fill out this contact form and we will call you back to get to know you and your claim better. You can also call us directly at (844) 311-1100 and speak with a member of our staff to see what we can do help give justice to the injuries you suffered.


