A soft tissue injury involves damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body because of blunt force trauma, sudden acceleration and deceleration, or other forms of nonvoluntary movement. Although often viewed a relatively minor, the manifestation can cause tremendous pain, swelling, bruising and loss of function if not properly treated.

Tendons attach muscles to bone. When there is trauma to muscles or tendons due to accident or event it is called a strain. Similarly, ligaments hold bones together. When trauma to a ligament results in over-stretching it is called a sprain.
The severity of the injury will determine the time necessary and what interventions will be required to get better. Recovery times can also depend on the injured person’s age, general health and occupation.
Regardless of the cause, medical treatment should be sought to evaluate the nature and extent of the injury. Sometimes there are hidden injuries masked by soft tissue swelling and pain such as fractures and internal bleeding. Some things to look for are:
Once initial medical care is rendered, there are a myriad of modalities that may be recommended to deal with the chronic or prolonged symptoms such as physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, or acupuncture. These therapies are typically done in conjunction with trained medical professions and pain management specialists to make sure you can achieve pre-incident pain levels and mobility. Sometimes, however, when the pain becomes chronic and resistant to conservative therapy, it may require orthopedic, neurologist, and/or physical medicine intervention to look further into the root of why the pain persists.
Although a soft tissue injury is common and routine, it is just as serious as other injuries. If it goes untreated, a person could get worse leaving a lifetime of pain and discomfort. Our attorneys understand soft tissue injuries, there cause, and how to get the best treatment possible to address the symptoms and limitations. If you or someone you know needs help as a result of an accident, just call us to see what we can do to assist.